Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Some short updates on my 1 week stay in Dubai !!!!
Initially we plan on going to Venice , Italy via Dubai ,
but due to some unavoidable circumstances , we have to cancel our trip to Italy
and to stay in Dubai.

This is my 2nd Trip to Dubai , the last trip was around 3 years ago...
I would say Dubai's development is so dam fast..

Remember when i was there 3 years ago ,
Dubai has no MRT services but now Dubai's MRT service will start on the 9th of september this year and will operate fully somewhere around April next year..
If i am not mistaken the MRT will cover almost every part of Dubai .

Imagine it took them onli 3 years to complete such a big project from scratch...
And we took more then 5 years jus to complete da bridge near Inderawasih....
Something for us to think about isn't it???


It was awesome !!!!
Only the instructor was not "too" friendly...
We took the Discovery class , which is the most basic of sking.
After you passed the discovery lesson ,
u will be given an achievement booklet and then you can move on to beginner lesson and so on.
I tell ya , it is as easy as it seem to be !!!

Look at my dad, it looks like he was first taught to walk.

The Atlantis Hotel

This hotel actually located in the palm shaped thingy in Dubai.
The concept of the hotel is actually a big aquarium...
Jus imagine u sleeping in a Hotel surrounded by sea creatures...
If you are looking for an underwater Hotel , this is the closest u will get ( i think ^^ )

Interested?? Youtube it and see how it is inside ( uploading pic is so dam slow )
There is a one and onli 7 start hotel in Dubai , Called the Burj al Arab
I went 3 years ago so i din go this time.

They even have piranas !!!!
They actually din look fiece at all .
Well nvr judge a book by its cover rite????

The Marina Walk

Beautiful rite??
Notice the boats?
It is all privately owned !!! See how how luxury is their life.

Since we dun get to go to Italy,
We had Italian Food in Marina Walk !!!

Sister's spaghetti

Sister's Pasta " something " ( this is good )

Dad's steak ( Mid Cooked Rib Eyes )

Mine !!!
The Pizza was Huge and guess wat i FINISHED IT !!!

There are more to blog about,
but i'm getting lazy now...

Oh ya girlsss!!!!
Gucci was on sales in Dubai up to 50%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alrite , I'll stop here... ^^


Sam said...

man those look very yummy,
loos super fun, for the rich i guess, including you

eekai said...

it can be extra fun if i am richer!!!