Monday, June 29, 2009

We're all Business Partners Now!

Hello all, this is the first day we joined Kenshido & Score A programme,
and the moment i step into my office, the buzyness starts.

Ok first thing, Cheng called. Bank account is needed to be changed as it can't be put under other people's name other than myself. He also asked us to list the person we can call( not to be shown to him, just coordinate among ourselves).
If we run into problems we can contact him and if we got someone we invited in the island he can always guide them there.

Secondly, Kelvin wanted us to have a meeting to discuss our strategy and stuff. He's glad that all of u guys are studying all over the nation. Tai boon will play an important role in this. Tai boon, we will need ur help to guide people to the Damansara office for my colleague's KL contact. More details after we meet up.

Finally, i got some slides and training material for all of u guys. I can give it to you guys in today's LAN party, if it still goes on that is. Remember this is to be viewed by member's only. So keep it safe. Our account is also activated for your viewing pleasure

So let's work hard and show our interest, if it all goes well we can smell the 5 figures in no time.
The others dont be left out.. we'll test the waters, get thru the daunting initial phase. To bring others up after we're successful we can say that the chances are almost 100%.

Remeber to spare some time for the functions :)

So, activites for this week are :
Try to invite and go for wednesday, friday, saturday meetings.
Meet up with kelvin on saturday night

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