Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It's been a while since i posted something on this blog. So i'm gonna talk and rant about my work enviroment for my first post of 2009 (life wasn't interesting enough to blog about). As you all might know i started work in Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) yesterday. The logo is the only picture i can show for this whole blog. I guess company policies forbits photo taking of the internal workings of the area. For those that might not know AMD is the second largest x86 microproscessor manufacture behind Intel. I am pretty sure EVERYONE reading this post uses Intel. Recently AMD also produced Graphic Card after buying over ATI.
Firstly, i am going to say it's quite a big change for me working in a big company. The first i would like to mention is that you cannot wear your outeside shoes inside the office space. You have to change to another shoe provided by the company. I guess they really emphasize on cleanliness. The office area is huge i would say, it's divided to various department. I am assigned to the software development team (no surprise).
I've been given a nice and spacious desk to work in. Bigger than any i ever seen. The best thing is that they gave me a fujitsu laptop which i can bring home as i like to work with( i havent apply the pass yet). Food is also very cheap, the meal(Rice + Chicken + Bean Curd) i ate today only costs me 80 cents thanks to the subsidized cost by scanning your card. Yeah facilities such as gym, swimming pool, tennis court, track fiield etc. is also around the campus area.
So i've been mentioning the pros now for the cons, i felt kinda scared in the working enviroment. I have made a few friends which are new trainee like me but they are heading off the cyberjaya branch next week. I am confirmed to be in the penang branch working on softwares. So i am the only new trainee here. The team i will be working with consist of people years older than me, married people and stuff. So i feel like a baby working in the company, i felt young once again, but not in a good way lol. I felt scared because these people are older and of higher rank and i cant fool around. Oh ya, there a dude from austin, texas sitting my desk discussing some project with the members. I've been shift to a temporary position which beside my desk that is vacant too.
on a last note, there's lotsa pretty girls all over. A lot of intern in the biz and manufacturing side.


josh said...

lol, seems u can have a great life there man. sports and works, and not to mention pretty interns. show off ur unwitting charms...u r ahead of us in the real working world...
u can do it, do sumthing wrong also take it as a lesson. have fun man and just do it, ahaha!

Fleur said...

sound great Sam, wiah u all the best.

EeKai said...

u will do great man..
no doubt bout that..
Good luck man

Sam said...

well, work is work and i think it's goin to be very challenging. but i'm really impressed on how things work here, from the way things are organized and coordinated.a great experience so to say.