Friday, September 19, 2008

Hi all....

First all, my apologies to sam and alex for not being able to spend time with you guyz just before i left...was kinda wrapped up. Anyways hope all of you'll are doing great and in best of health.

I'm back in uni now, at the start of the second year and was involved in overseeing the orientation and registration of new students. It was a great opportunity to meet them all and even interact with their parents (ulterior motives here..hehehe)....Anywayz i'm staying off campus now...about 10 min's walk to the main teaching block and its a scenic walk too...

I'm staying with 4 students at the moment, its was only 3 a few days ago...but the fourth one.."bovril" i call him, simply popped up and enquired about an available room even though he had already paid the deposit for uni arranged guess is because he had gotten a house with Nigerian mates...My roommate Ashwin, has not arrived yet but he seems to be pestering his parents to get him an alienware i and alexander, my other housemate ended up doin all the cleaning earlier in the week..

Classes are starting only on monday and already the following week is off for hols...never thought i would ever say this, but i think have too much of them back to Penang are priced at RM 55 now from seremban ( highway robbery !!!) and that now, only the "emergency bas persiaran". Well enough said, hope to hear from you guys soon and till then cheers......


Sam Chong said...

well.. buses during the festive season are always a nightmare.. especially the temporary lease busses? it's unconfortable as hell.

no need for apologies. it's just wierd that u never showed up for the outings u planned ...

Zymeth said...

parents interference bro...

Zymeth said...

not sure yet...u should actually...