Monday, September 15, 2008

Problem Started

OK here it is... so assignment was given. And its a group assignment. U guys should know there aint much people in my class . So i hv to group with this guy. Last week he was still ok then out of the blue he started moody and ignoring our calls. Skip class sometimes and now he is my group. i dont hope i hv any trouble with the assignment but really need his help..i cant finish alone... Well now he seems moody, heard from his pal that his broke up with his ex few months ago but recently he saw her and then after tat the girl started to call him back...That's when the problem started. Its seems he still likes her and she likes him too.But anyway, I really so stressful now as i cant i wont be able to finish the assignment alone!!.. GUYS..tell me wat to do with this groupmate. A MOODY , IGNORING DUDE to change him? Else i gonna hv to see my graduation days flew away from my hands...i hope u guys could reply asap as my assignment due date is 7 october 2008... so please help out!!


Ee Kai said...

well.. this sorts of ppl are plenty in uni..
I dun think there much u can do to change his attitute..
As for the project ask him to do as much as he can..
The rest u have to sleep-less..
DOta-less.. Game-less and finish it..

Sam Chong said...

yeah.. i always wonder y break-ups always change a person so much..
i mean u dun have to start ignoring your friends right? they will find refuge in friends after the break ups.. but the girl came back.. he's gone again

Sam Chong said...

not to worry bout ur programming assignment... i completed it during my freetime in office... better belanja

Ee Kai said...

u should be thankfull u go sam..

i coming back next tuesday..
almost 2 weeks holiday

mentious said...

Sure sure..a free meal at kfc else if i win some money at the casino tomorrow...western food it is his situation seems worse..sms till he throw his phone to the ground..luckily its motorola cant be broken xD and he even slam the lab door when we took a break!!!...( Sounds like ee kai situation is it?)

Ee Kai said...

lol.. Alex ur programming makes u talk like a programme as well... haha
else if , else if...
Haha.. kinda like me..
but probably i'm bit worst when i'm alone haha..
well i think i must learn to control my emotion as well.. haha..

See you guys next week.. movie everyday if there is a movie..

Sam Chong said...

i think you figured out y this is posted by now hmmm ee kai?