Friday, September 26, 2008


Hi you guys. Its been a while since i posted at the hangout.. Haven't been able to log into this web page in my 'lovely' jungle.. Anyways, raya is coming so to those celebrating it, Selamat hari raya. Have a wonderful festival and also enjoyable moments. So how's every1?
Seems like all are doing just fine.

life at UUM during Raya is so.. erm should be said sometimes enjoyable and also kinda Bored. The best part of puasa is late nite meals for my frens and I.Lolx gain weight already. Haven't been exercising to le guys, stamina and football skills all i think rusted liao. EEkai and taiboon surely will be damn good when the next time we play.

1) Foods from breakfast till supper = the same old design, placement, taste, etc
2) Assignments = weigh heavier than 'the big show' (for those who watches WWE) -.-
3) Entertaiment and transportation is i think by far the worst moment for lots of undergrads here
though. The nearest cinema is around 35minutes away. If u take a bus to get to the mall i think
it would be around an hour. It's not a wise choice taking the hot whether into account!!

Well, do make many new frens here though. And moonfestival in my Uni had just passed and well.. although its kinda a dull night, there are a few performance which really got every 1 ( i think is around 3000 attendances) getting into the fun. I managed to sit at the front row during the programme. Special thxs to my 2 frens who have help me kept the seat especially for me! EEkai msg me that he was coming during that day but he couldn't make it.. But do try to come during next year's k?. Oh ya, did i mention i got an orang asli as my roommate?
My junior roommates...i have 3

A roommate... Already tangguh semester and none of us knew wat is his real reason for doing that either. So now i'm staing with 2 other juniors.

B roommate... When u talk to him he can talk a whole loads of.. god knows.. stuffs.. And also he could talk a long time to you. So everytime i talk to him i regretted in the end. Tend to walk away or ignore him after a few minutes onli he can stop...*-* ( He talks in his sleep too o.O)

C orang asli.. He uses a weird and oh gosh F***ing perfume everytime he gets ready to go to kuliah.. Even when I'm still in my bed i have to cover my head with my blanket. Thank God i bring a think blanket. When he left the room.. Away i go to open the door and windows to let the smell evaporates. Otherwise, he is a good roommate. ONli the PERFUME!!!

Think thats all for now DC's.. TaKe care

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