Friday, September 19, 2008

Sam's Recent Disappointing Games

Ok after writing my take on Spore, i just want to list the games that really let me down.
Seems that developers are good at generating hype but when you get a hold of the game it just disappoints.

1) Enemy Territory : Quake Wars
We =D*C= have been playing almost a daily basis on Wolf:ET. So when Quake Wars was first shown i was so hyped. I think it was around in '05 when i first saw it. Stayed a few nights trolling the forums for a Beta key for QW. When i finally played it, it is just plain bad. It doesn't feel right at all. I hated it to its core. But recently i went for a game of QW with my colleagues. I had fun! Mayb i expected too much when it was released or i kept dying when i was in beta thanks to being pwned by darn clanners!

Cons : Bad animation, Ugly Graphics! : Shitty Normal Mapped low poly models, Megatexture..LOL! (always knew doom 3 engine(id tech 4) can't render outdoors), Stupid Vehicle Physics, Horrible Sound Effects. Unbalanced!.. Stupid Stroggs and thier IMBA icarus.

2) Spore.
Read my post below

3)Hellgate: London
I guess this disappoints Alex more than i do

Expected : Woo! creators of Diablo. Yay! Procedereal Generated levels!.... Addictive gameplay.
It's Diablo with superb graphics !

Reality: Memory Leak!..... Dull levels .. Repetitve, And gameplay is just sucky. No voice acting,
Ok.. i din even get to the second town , station or watve... I don't like it.

4) Dawn Of War : ShitStorm
What happen if you pass the development of a good game to a developer that is on the verge of bankruptscy?
Haha.. just look at the stupid air vehicles... Planes hover in the air...
Developer A : Hey B, DOW engine cant do air units
Developer B : Just make it like a normal unit with elevated heights.

5)Gothic 3
I just love the gothic series!... It's a cult hit and everytime i played Gothic 1, 2 i cant seem to stop. Thanks you gothic for causing my SPM result to be substandard. I felt milten, gorn , lester, diego are my real friends ...
I still love G3 Love the depth of field effects.. First time i seen this type of effects in a game.
But G3 is plague with bugs , memory issues and not the same gameplay from the past. But i still played it because is Gothic!

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