Sunday, September 21, 2008

Course Nite: A Review

ok guys
here goes wat i said i ll post
regarding my course nite
wanted to post earlier
but postponed coz waiting for pics to be compiled from all de seniors so dat i ll be able to choose de best pics to represent de nite
but tired of waiting, so decided to blog first
i promise i ll upload all de other pics when i hv receive them

here goes
course nite is like a normal prom nite
just dat it was meant only for de chinese in my course
kinda unfair, but hey
dis is Malaysia, where racial polarity is still an issue

my course nite was held on 7th Sept 2008
at a Chinese restaurant named Grand Prosperity Restaurant

dis is a general overview of de place

dis pic: just to show de decor

judging from de decor above, im sure u guys hv adi guessed dat de theme has something to do wif stars rite?
Yeah, de theme is "Starry Starry Night"

to me, de place is nice
of coz not as nice as a hotel ballroom
but due to budget constraint, dis is de best we can find
de food i dont reali know
hardly touched anything
was running from place to place making sure everything was ok
but from wat i heard de food was nice

de highlights of de nite was of course de award giving ceremony
we had Best Dressed (male n female)
n of coz de Course King n Queen

me n ai rin, last year's King & Queen

well guys, i think u guys dono bout dis
but i was de Course King last year
(Dont blame me for not telling u guys, its u guys who dint ask, haha)
so dat is y i hv to organize dis event
n got myself into stupid probs

anyway, i think im not gonna crap further
im just gonna show u de pics

emcees for de nite, MC Ape (de guy) n MC Leo (de gal)
they did a great job hyping up de crowd

DJ Jazz n DJ Vincent
Played fantastic music all thru de nite

4th year

3rd year

2nd year
do u c me?

1st year


Best Dressed (Female) : Jie Ying
She won coz of her costume
all bling n shimmering n glittering
spot on for our theme

Best Dressed (Male): Ivan
de guy on de left is Yap aka DJ Vincent, last year's winner

De new Course Queen & King
de queen was hot in her cheongsam
will upload de pics if i hv it

De Queens
de new queen, her name is Biow Ing

He's da man!
me, passing on my "crown"
(de new king, his name is Boon Sern
my name is Tai Boon
notice de similarity?)

(4th year, 3rd year, 1st year, 2nd year)

well, overall i consider it a successful nite
i myself is satisfied wif everything
everyone was reali helpful n supportive
de DJs played superb music
de emcees did a great job hyping up de crowd
without them, de nite wouldn't be half as successful
so i would reali like to take dis opportunity to thank everyone
although they wont be reading dis blog

but there is one person (my 'sis') who does
so here, i wanna specially thank her for everything she did
from de pamphlet to etc etc
n oh ya, she gave me tips on how to become a better n efficient blogger too
seniors said it was a reali great nite
they reali reali enjoyed themselves
im not sure whether they r saying all dat out of courtesy or wat
but im gonna take it as compliments

there is owes de after party
but unlike those Oscar or music awards
we (my batch ppl) went to de mamak's
coz few of us r reali starving
me included
fooled around taking pics
n here are a few

me wearing my fren's specs n buttoning up till de top,
looking like a nerd

look-alike? :)

by de way, there r many more pics which at dis moment is still unavailable. Once i get those pics, i ll upload it

till then,



Ee Kai said...

Congratz man..
Haha.. Dun have to mention u are always the king..
So ur "sis" read this blog as well??
Gosh.. ur picture reminds me of sam.. ( DURING 5S )
All the stupid things we do..

When r u back for holidays?

Tai Boon said...

my 'sis' does
so no nonsense please
thank u

im going back on de 29th
its a monday

Ee Kai said...

rite since u mention it..
i think there will be alot more nonsense..
esp bout you..

some day intro ur "SIS" to us..
let her be DC's "sis" as well..

see you soon.. i brought back my futsal shoes..
u better bring urs...