Just got sound from sam...say me no write blog... sad sad...
Anyway i just been though the blog.. wah in just a few days so many blog dee ... this is the first time i write a blog.. feels weird..
so i think i will start with what i did the start of this summer holiday...
The first few weeks.. it was all on my final year project.. all stressful as there are many components that did not function as planned. this is how my project looks like ... its ugly i know but at least it functions..
this is the side view this machine require hell lots of battery cause i never really cared about the power source...:P:P
cause always tak cukup power..
i put usb power .. 2 9v battery and a 2 6v combination.. and due to budjet issues i use all school circuit board.. which is y you see so many small circuit board involved
forgot to intro the machine.. it is a sound measurement machine or decibel machine...it will measure the surrounding sound and when it reach a certain limit .. it will play a "be quiet!" anouncement. You can set the limit via the keypad..
Thsi is the place where you can adjust the recorded message.. and the whole setting of the machine..
Ok due to some technical problem i will end my post now.. :P:P ( yes i am not the last to post!!)
wow.. those looked very complex..
looks very complicated to me
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